Jim's Variable Soap Box

Insight on thoughts and opinions from my life.

Location: Manassas, Virginia, United States

I am a happy person, just trying to make sense of this world and do something worthwhile from time to time.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Three Day Weekend

At least the weathers been nice in Cleveland. Just a bit on the chilly side, but otherwise very nice. Spent the majority of the weekend on homework, school is definitely taking a toll on my free time. I do have to find time to complete some home improvement projects that have fallen off my radar screen lately. Will be taking a week in April to install a new tile floor in the dining and living rooms. Big lift for that. Currently attempting to work on some scholarship essays, hope to pick up a little extra funding for school.

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Weekend

We went to Winterplace in West Virginia this past weekend. It was a wonderful time, snow boarding and tubing, had a blast. Managed to lose some of the stress I picked up from work and school. Then, today happened, you know what, Monday's suck, is there any disagreement with that? You go along thinking everything is fine and some bird comes along and takes a shit right on you. I always try to be nice to people and really quite often, they don't want nice. So it may pay to be an ass every now and then. But, generally I want everyone to be happy, but if they don't want it that way, then fine, let them wallow in their own mud hole and enjoy life as they see it.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Other Blog

Hey, decided to post a link to my other blog site, the one for woodworking. Find it here: http://jimsworkshop.blog.com/

Sometimes it's just luck

You know how when you try to do something right and it just never seems to come out the way you want it. I have to say that sucks. My current class is Organizational Behavior, and I believe some of my employees just want me to experience everything I am learning about first hand. I guess learning by experience is a good way to learn, I don't always like it that way though. I may have been born too late for who I am, perhaps in 1890's France it would have been better. I really like the victorian age. Of course the Gen Xer's are a roboust bunch also. They really keep me hopping with things. Well, I wanted to write here today, but didn't really have anything to say. I installed the chatterbox comment system. Will try that for a while and see how it works out, I can always remove it if I don't end up liking it. Give it a try if you like.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Wonderful Days

Have you ever noticed how some days can stand out from many others just by certain events unfolding? How turning left, rather than right makes all the difference. I had a day like that yesterday. Started quite normal, but as the days activities came about, I went from just another day, to a quite remarkable day. Living each day to the fullest is the only way to truly live. No one knows when we will have no more to use. I realized that I also must work more dilligently towards understanding those I interact with, to try and really listen to them. To accept that there are certain things I cannot change, no matter how much I want them to be different. Man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a Heaven for. Peace to you all.