Jim's Variable Soap Box

Insight on thoughts and opinions from my life.

Location: Manassas, Virginia, United States

I am a happy person, just trying to make sense of this world and do something worthwhile from time to time.

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Weekend

We went to Winterplace in West Virginia this past weekend. It was a wonderful time, snow boarding and tubing, had a blast. Managed to lose some of the stress I picked up from work and school. Then, today happened, you know what, Monday's suck, is there any disagreement with that? You go along thinking everything is fine and some bird comes along and takes a shit right on you. I always try to be nice to people and really quite often, they don't want nice. So it may pay to be an ass every now and then. But, generally I want everyone to be happy, but if they don't want it that way, then fine, let them wallow in their own mud hole and enjoy life as they see it.


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